Experiential Learning
Experiential Learning
At W&L, 我们相信在实践中学习的力量,这就是太阳城集团官网探索和挑战是我们课程的核心.
我们邀请学生在传统课堂之外扩展他们的教育,并通过参与拓宽他们的理解, hands-on experiences. Learning opportunities come in a variety of shapes and size, often in the form of community-based learning, global education and undergraduate research. Experiences are only limited by students’ imaginations.
学生们可能会在模拟大会上预测下一任总统候选人, 通过工程社区发展计划为贫困社区提供清洁水, produce weekly news broadcasts with The Rockbridge Report, 为非营利组织提供无偿咨询服务&L Student Consulting group, 或通过ESOL促进罗克布里奇县日益多样化的人口之间的交流.
Spring Term
想象一下,与你的同学和教授一起深入探索一个主题. That’s the essence of Spring Term. 学生可以从大约200门课程中选择一门,这些课程可能在美国进行.S. or abroad. 学生们在他们的春季学期经历之后这样说并不罕见, “This course changed my life.”
Mock Convention
Beginning in 1908, W&L学生们复制了每四年一次在白宫失去权力的政党的全国大会, 延续了严谨研究和无党派学生领导的传统. Mock Convention is now a 112-year tradition at W&L,是全国最准确、最真实的模拟总统提名大会.
Whether you're a writer, interested in editing or publishing as a career, or just looking for an experience unlike other classes at W&L, 谢南多厄大学的实习为学生提供了以新的方式思考语言的机会. 这本文学杂志出版世界各地作家的小说和诗歌已有75年的历史, 它的实习课程提供了编辑方面的体验式学习, manuscript evaluation, production, web design, and publicity.
“ The invaluable lessons I have learned from Mock Con, both in political analysis and leadership, will carry with me into my future endeavors, whatever they may be.”
John Harashinski
Major: American Politics • Minor: Education Policy